Fast and easy sensory analysis

As opposed to traditional sensory analysis, which might become slow and costly, SensoGraph allowd to know how consumers position a product with respect to the others, without needing special specialized equipment nor personnel. In this way, any food company can take into account the opinion of the consumers when developing their products.


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The SensoGraph graphical output is easy to interprete. Products considered similar are closer and vice versa. For example, the figure above shows two clear groups 2-5-6-9 and 1-3-4-7-8. In addition, the thickness of each connection represents the degree of similarity.
The SensoGraph webapp makes easy to collect data from computers, tablets, or smartphones. Its optimal computational complexity provides results instantly. The intuitive interface does not require learning time.
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Anybody can use SensoGraph, without needing specific knowledge. Furthermore, it allows a larger number of assessors than other tools, making more representative the results obtained.

In action

External media

Cases of use

Some of the companies that already know the capabilities of SensoGraph.

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